Aluminium Macbook Holder
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1 Reviews

Finally, a Macbook holder with a discrete and sleek design, fitting into any household or office vibe, that doesn't take up a ton of room on your desk. The non-slip silicone mat on the top of the grooves helps your Macbook, phone or touchpad stay in place. There are screws on the bottom of the holder, so you can adjust the dock size to work for you using a screwdriver. The dock size can be adjusted to 0.48 inches to 2.68 inches in width. Make your life easier, and stop balancing your phone against a wall to hold it upright. The double-sided holder means you can stand your Macbook up, as well as a touchpad or phone on the other side for convenience.

  • Made of aluminium alloy and silica gel.
  • Adjustable dock size, requiring a screwdriver for adjustments.
  • Non-slip silicone mat.
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