Commercial Coffee Grinder
2 Reviews
This Commercial Coffee Grinder is a must-have for any coffee lover or business that takes their coffee seriously. With its 60mm burr grinder, you can expect precise and consistent grinding every time. The powerful 200W motor ensures efficient and quick grinding, saving you time and effort. With 11+ grinding levels to choose from, you have the freedom to customize your coffee grounds to suit your taste preferences. Plus, the large capacity allows you to load up to 90g+ of coffee beans, so you can grind a large batch at once. Whether you're a cafe owner or a coffee enthusiast looking to elevate your brewing experience, this coffee grinder is the perfect addition to your kitchen or business.
  • Large capacity for loading 90g+ coffee beans
  • 11+ grinding levels for customized results
  • Powerful 200W motor for efficient grinding
  • 60mm burr grinder for precise grinding
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