Electric Massage Gun
67 Reviews

Give your muscles a break and relieve tension and stress with this electric massage gun.

With smart hit technology this electric massage gun allows for 5 different speed settings ranging from 900-3300rpm and 3 different modes: fade-out, crescendo, and wave, as well as providing real time monitoring of pressure used by the user along with quick adjustments of speed/torque to bring you seamless switching of intensity and speed.

Whether you've have a strenuous workout or just a long day at work, treat your fatigued muscles to a relaxing and soothing massage and heal those muscles fast and safely.

  • 190x260x60mm size.
  • Removable 24v lithium-ion battery with digital power % display (included).
  • Includes durable carry case and 6x unique massage attachments.
  • 3 different wave pattern modes.
  • 5 scientifically studied speeds (900 - 3300 strokes/min).
  • 6+ hours of battery life.
  • 45 dB sound level (ultra silent).
  • Extended handle for extra reach.
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