Extendable Outside Window Cleaner
12 Reviews

Make your window cleaning a breeze with this extendable outside window cleaner! With its telescoping handle, you can easily reach high windows without the need for a ladder. The microfiber cleaning pad effectively removes dirt and grime, leaving your windows sparkling clean. The pivoting head allows for easy maneuvering and angled cleaning, ensuring every corner of your windows is taken care of. With its lightweight design and easy-to-use handle, this window cleaner is perfect for both domestic and commercial use. Say goodbye to streaky windows and hello to a clearer view with this extendable outside window cleaner!

  • Extendable handle for high windows
  • 180-degree rotatable cleaning brush
  • Microfiber scrubber for deep cleaning with silicone squeegee
  • U-shaped handle for reaching from the inside to the outside
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