GGM E3 Wireless Bedside Sound System
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1 Reviews

This wireless bedside sound system has all the features you need to start your day off right. With Amazon Alexa integration, you can control your music, alarms, and smart home devices with just your voice. The system also boasts wireless Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, so you can easily stream music from your phone or laptop. Plus, with the built-in alarm clock function, you'll never oversleep again. The system supports popular music streaming services like Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Tunein, so you can listen to your favorite playlists. And with compatibility with the GGMM app, you can easily customize your sound experience.

  • Amazon Alexa integration
  • Wireless Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Alarm clock function
  • Supports Spotify / iHeartRadio / Tunein
  • Compatible with the GGMM app
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