Retro Drip Coffee Jug
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5 Reviews

An affordable, high-quality drip coffee jug that is beautifully designed, making it a perfect wedding or Birthday gift. The wooden handle and lid are part of the unique, retro design. Two sizes are available - 400ml and 600ml. If you prefer a more classic design, there are also jugs available with a glass handle and silicon lid, coming in three different sizes. A glass dripper and 40pcs paper filters can be added to your purchase so that the jug can be used for drip coffee, not just to serve it. Measurements of cups are on the side of the jug, so you don't have to guess the right amount to make.

  • Jugs available with wooden and glass handles.
  • Glass dripper available, as well as paper filters.
  • Cup measurements on the side of the jug.
  • A great wedding gift.
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