Striped Surfboard Sock
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2 Reviews

To protect your beloved surfboard from dirt, scratches, and sun damage from UV rays. This soft, fabric surfboard sock is incredibly lightweight and portable - non-bulky so won't take up much room in your car. Closes and opens via a drawstring which is easy to use, without having to worry about stubborn zips. Three sizes are available: 180x50cm, 200x50cm, and 230x50cm. The sock has a lot of stretch due to the soft fabric used and the adjustable drawstring, so is incredibly versatile. It can be used for many different boards. Various designs are available.

  • Protects from scratches, sun damage from UV rays, and dirt.
  • Can be used with many boards - very stretchy and versatile.
  • Drawstring opening and closing.
  • Lightweight and portable - not bulky.
  • Soft fabric.
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